Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Messy Fairy Did It!!

The Messy Fairy? I had no idea she even existed! According to Ryann, she visits her room every night! Ryann and I were driving home from Walmart, and we started talking about her room ALWAYS being a mess! This is how the conversation went:

Ryann: Mom, when we get home, can I play with my babies?
Mom: Sure, but do you think you can find your babies in your messy room?

Ryann: Mom, it's my room, and I know where everything is!

Mom: Is that so? Well, when we get home you need to clean up your room, and then you can play with your babies. Your room is ALWAYS messy!!

Ryann: Well mom, it's not even me that messes up my room! Really, it's not!

Mom: hmmm, then who is it?
Ryann: Her's name is Messy Fairy, and her's comes when I am asleep, and her's messes up my room! When I wake-up I say "Messy Fairy was here AGAIN!!!"

Mom: Oh really???? So is that why our house is always a mess?

Ryann: No, her's only messes up mine and Wargann's (Morgann's) room, and her's messes up the boy's room!

Mom: Well, you tell Messy Fairy that she is fired, and that she needs to go and find Cinderella to come and CLEAN your room:)


WhettenWild said...

That mean messy fairy! She comes to my house everyday too. Where is the clean fairy when you need her???

Ben and Michelle said...

Ha Ha I love that story! Ry is so stinkin' cute! Too bad we can't all blame it on the messy fairy

Michelle said...

This is so funny. Kids couldn't be cuter.