Thursday, January 15, 2009


Morgann Kolleen was born on July 3rd, at 6:14pm. She weighed 6 lbs. 14 oz. and was 18 inches long. She has beautiful blue eyes like her oldest brother Corbin. She was bald like the rest of our babies, and lucky for us, she wasn't blessed with lungs like her big sister Ryann! She is almost 7 months old now:( I can't believe how fast time passes by. She is sitting up on her own. She uses rolling as her mode of transportation. We have found her under beds, tables, couches, and children. For some reason, the kids think it's funny to lay on top of her. She doesn't seem to mind it. In fact, I think she quite enjoys it. Cadin, our second oldest, has the talent of making her laugh. It's very cute. Morgann is an angel. She only cries when she's hungry, has a wet diaper, tired, and when her sister is picking on her only to get our attention. We are so happy to have Morgann in our little family. We often wonder what our life would be like without her. We love you Morgie!!
My amazing friend Jessica took these beautiful pictures of Morgann. Thanks Jessica, your the best:)


Tatum said...

What is this? A sexy new blog? A new post? Does this mean you might start blogging again?!!!

I am dying to see Miss Morgann! Did you get your camera working?

Tara said...

What a beautiful family you guys have! I can't believe how big they are! Hope you all are well! I would love to hear from you!

Jessica Sandberg said...

Yay! I'm so excited about your blog. It's dang cute. And you really need to post more recent pics of Morgann. She is really fair. So cute. Thanks for posting new stuff!

Anonymous said...

This is Carrie Sitterud... I just came across your blog, I hope you don't mind! Your family is beautiful. You have the cutest kids!! I hope you are doing well! I hope you don't mind if I add you to the list of blogs I like to stalk...

Tara said...

JON!! Ha! I'm glad you guys finally made it to Gallup! Wasn't that your last stop before Blanding, or have things changed?? I can't believe you have 4 kids! Crazy! We miss you too! Now that I know your in Gallup, I'll track you all down. I have atleast 5 years worth of birthday cards for Camie (Don't worry, I won't knock her out)! Do you all get home often?
Thanks for the message, It's nice to see and hear how you guys are doing!

Hansen Family said...

It's so fun to keep up with you guys. Your kids are so cute. I hear you with the kids laying on top of the baby thing. We have the same problem in our house. It still has me wondering what they are doing. Hope life is going well in Gallup. We miss you guys!